Tuesday, 30 June 2009


I'm a red-blooded alpha male who for the past year has spent all my time at home looking after a baby (now 16 months). Much as I love the Mrs (who for the purpose of this blog shall be known as Molly), I'll be honest - I'm going insane - Molly tells me this - I range between self-pitying bouts of misery guts-itis to embracing the Mummy within, as I sing along at baby class to "humph humph goes the little green frog....". I think I might even have PMT.

Anyway. On advice from Molly, I'm going to attempt to stay sane by writing my thoughts and experiences down on this blog. Expect to hear a warts-and-all opinions about Molly's ridiculous job, my life as the only man in the "baby class" village, and my reminisces about the halcian days of driving a truck and sharing inpolitically correct jokes with dirty, sweaty, hairy-arsed blokes - rather like myself.